

Traditional Japanese style cuisine in Shima Onsen Kashiwaya Ryokan

We offer vegan meal for yout stay in Japanese Ryokan. Our vegan meal does not contain meat, seafood, egg or dairy products. We make special "Dashi (broth)" which is made from kelp and vegetables, instead of ‘Katsuo Dashi’. You can enjoy your stay in a traditional Japanese Ryokan that has Japanese features such as tatami rooms, an Onsen (hot spring), and Japanese cuisine.

Are people with tattoos allowed in onsen?

We are tattoo friendly Onsen ryokan.But in Japan, people with tattoo are often rejected to take onsen. It must be great shock if you are rejected bathing in spite of taking all the trouble of visiting Japan to take onsen. Yet, actually, there is a way to take onsen even if you have tattoo. I will introduce the means.

How to Take an Onsen?|8 Rules & Manners of Japanese Onsen Bath

The etiquette of visiting hot springs(Onsen) bath in Japan Today, we will be introducing the etiquette of visiting hot s...

5 Benefits and Effects of Onsen (Hot Spring)

Shima Onsen is a famous hot spring located in Nakanojo Town, Gunma Prefecture. In Japan, Ministry of Environment certifi...
highlights and activities

Join Me for a Guided Tour of Shima Onsen: Discover Old Japan and Unspoiled Natural Beauty

Special Offer Available for the First 100 Customers! #bokun_c03d4080_684e_43b3_bb43_4eefa5e0f142 { display: inline-block...
Shima Onsen

Enjoy Hanami,Sakura at Shima Onsen! When is the best time to see cherry blossoms here?

"Hanami" is Japanese traditional custom, which means to admire cherry blossoms (Sakura).It is not an exaggeration to say...
Kashiwaya Ryokan

Season’s Greetings from Shima Onsen Kashiwaya Ryokan

Kashiwaya Staff Members Thank you very much for supporting us at the Kashiwaya Ryokan in Shima Onsen again this year(202...
Transportation , Access

Direct Express Bus from Haneda Airport to Shima Onsen Kashiwaya Ryokan

You can now go directly from Haneda Airport to Shima Onsen Kashiwaya Ryokan without transfer !a highway bus service connecting Haneda Airport and Shima Onsen has commenced.Although there is only one round trip per day, a highway bus from Haneda Airport to Shima Onsen is now in operation. It’s incredibly convenient as you can travel from Haneda Airport to Shima Onsen without any transfers.

Enjoy Comparing Different Types of Sake with the “Kikizake” set !

Sake, an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting rice, is a uniquely Japanese alcoholic beverage.There are more than 1,400...
highlights and activities

Contemporary Art Festival, Nakanojo Biennale 2023 – The Whole Town Becomes an Art Museum !

Overview A small rural town in the corner of Gunma Prefecture will become an art museum of contemporary art. Such an eve...